Take a Ride With Us!

Ever wish you could pick up and leave? If you live in a van you can. We're not saying drop everything and go nomad. But if you're curious about the life of two traveling artists come take a virtual ride with us.

Six years ago we sold our property in Taylor, Mississippi, and headed North in our Sportsmobile camper van. After a couple of years as artists-in-residence at Green Mountain College in Vermont, we added a StudioTruck to the fleet so we could continue making art while roaming cross country.
We've weathered storms and breakdowns over the years, but living in the forests and deserts of America's public lands keeps us keen to moments of wonder in the great outdoors.
Our art is inspired by this adventurous life. We hope it sparks something in your own wild spirit whether you're indoors or out.

The most popular thing we make are reclaimed wood fish.
We got hooked back in 2000 when Marc noticed a couple wood drop-offs in his furniture workshop shaped like fish. At the time I was a writer and photographer with no art training, but I'd been longing to paint so I bought some acrylics and splashed color on those first two fish boards.
We hung them in our Taylor Arts gallery. They sold the next day. We've sold thousands since.
They're all inspired by our love of fishing, the brilliant colors of fish, and the thick, textured reclaimed wood we track down on our journey. Marc shapes the fish with a jig saw and I paint them with bright acrylics.
Following are a few from our Summer Collection. We hope they inspire you to get creative and get outdoors.
Go fish!

If you've got a special fish in mind, we're also happy to custom make orders. Just ask.
In the meantime, we'll be happily camped and busily painting out here in Vermont's Green Mountains where the streams flow clear and the lakes are lovely.
Wishing you the best of summers,
Christine & Marc